Burp Suite

As a complete solution for web application security testing, Burp Suite stands out and is an essential addition to penetration testers' and security experts' toolkits. When combined with Kali Linux, the go-to distribution for penetration testing, Burp Suite turns into a vital tool for finding security holes and protecting online apps. We'll look at the features, how to install Burp Suite on Kali Linux, and how to use it in this article.

Burp Suite stands out as a comprehensive web application security testing tool, playing a crucial role in the arsenal of penetration testers and security professionals. When integrated with Kali Linux, a preferred distribution for penetration testing, Burp Suite becomes an indispensable asset for identifying vulnerabilities and securing web applications. In this guide, we'll explore the features, installation process, and how to effectively run Burp Suite on Kali Linux.


  • Burp Suite's proxy allows users to intercept and inspect HTTP/S traffic between the browser and the web application, facilitating the identification of vulnerabilities such as injection attacks and session management issues.
  • The built-in scanner automates the detection of common web application vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more, streamlining the vulnerability assessment process.
  • Burp Spider crawls web applications to map out the structure and identify hidden content, helping testers understand the application's attack surface.
  • This feature enables users to perform automated attacks on web applications, allowing for the identification of vulnerabilities that may be exploited through brute force or parameter manipulation.
  • Burp Repeater allows for the manual testing of individual HTTP requests, making it easier to analyze and manipulate specific aspects of web application interactions.


1. Open the terminal in Kali Linux.

2. Start Burp Suite with the command burpsuite.

3. Configure your browser to use Burp Suite as a proxy on port 8080 (or another port if configured differently).

4. Create a new project in Burp Suite to save scanning results.


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