
Cuckoo, also recognized as a malware analysis automation system, is an open-source platform tailored for automated malware analysis. Cuckoo proves invaluable in security assessments and research, offering capabilities for identifying and analyzing malware behavior, vulnerabilities, and network activity. When paired with Kali Linux, the preferred operating system for penetration testing, Cuckoo emerges as an essential tool for identifying and understanding malicious threats. In this post, we'll delve into Cuckoo's functionalities, provide instructions on how to install it on Kali Linux, and discuss efficient utilization techniques for automated malware analysis.

Cuckoo is an open source platform for automated malware analysis, known as the Malware Analysis Automation System. Its main goal is to detect, analyse and classify malware by automating various analytical tasks.


  1. Automatic analysis of malware samples: Cuckoo allows you to automate the analysis of malware samples by automatically loading them into an isolated environment and performing various analytical actions such as network activity monitoring, behavioural analysis and many others.
  2. Integration with various tools: Cuckoo integrates with various tools to perform analyses, including antivirus engines, dynamic analysis tools, network activity monitoring tools, and others. This enhances the platform's functionality and efficiency.
  3. Sample Isolation: Cuckoo provides an isolated environment for performing malicious sample analysis, which helps prevent the spread of malware and protects the host system from potential threats.
  4. Reporting and analytics: Once analysis is complete, Cuckoo generates detailed reports containing information about the vulnerabilities found, sample behaviour, resources used and other characteristics. This helps analysts and researchers make informed decisions based on the findings.
  5. Flexibility and extensibility: Cuckoo provides APIs and plugin mechanisms that allow you to extend its functionality and customise it to meet specific research needs. This makes it a flexible tool for different types of analyses and research.
  6. Community and support: Cuckoo has an active community of users and developers, which provides support, experience sharing and development of the tool. This makes Cuckoo a popular choice for information security and cybersecurity professionals.


Set Up Prerequisites:

  • Ensure your system meets the minimum requirements such as Python, virtualization software (e.g., VirtualBox, VMware), and other dependencies.
  • Install Python and required packages. You can use the following command to install essential packages:

Install Cuckoo Dependencies:

  • Install Cuckoo dependencies using pip:


Start Cuckoo Services:

  • Open a terminal window and navigate to the Cuckoo directory where you installed it.
  • Run the following command to start the Cuckoo services:

Verify Cuckoo Status:

  • After starting the Cuckoo services, you can verify that Cuckoo is running correctly by checking its status. Open a new terminal window and run the following command:

Submit Malware Samples:

  • Once Cuckoo is running, you can submit malware samples for analysis. You can do this using either the Cuckoo web interface or the command-line interface (CLI).
  • If you're using the web interface, open a web browser and navigate to the Cuckoo web interface URL (usually http://localhost:8000). Log in with your credentials and follow the instructions to submit a malware sample.
  • If you prefer using the CLI, you can use the following command to submit a malware sample:

Monitor Analysis:

  • After submitting a malware sample, you can monitor its analysis progress using the Cuckoo web interface or CLI.
  • In the web interface, you can view detailed analysis reports, including behavioral analysis, network activity, and detected signatures.
  • If you're using the CLI, you can use commands such as cuckoo status, cuckoo show, and cuckoo list to monitor analysis tasks and view analysis results.

Retrieve Analysis Results:

  • Once the analysis is complete, you can retrieve the analysis results and reports generated by Cuckoo.
  • In the web interface, you can download the analysis reports directly from the interface.
  • If you're using the CLI, you can use commands such as cuckoo results and cuckoo download to retrieve analysis results and files generated during the analysis.


Table of Contents: