
Suricata, also recognized as a versatile Intrusion Detection System (IDS), serves as an open-source solution vital for security assessments and network investigations. When integrated with Kali Linux, the premier operating system for penetration testing, Suricata emerges as an indispensable asset for discerning hosts, services, and potential vulnerabilities. In this article, we'll delve into Suricata's functionalities, provide guidelines for its installation on Kali Linux, and outline efficient utilization techniques.

Suricata is a powerful Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) similar to Snort but with some additional features.


  1. Multi-tasking and multi-threading: Suricata is designed to be able to handle network traffic in a multi-tasking and multi-threaded manner, allowing it to handle high traffic volume with high performance.
  2. Support for modern network protocols: Suricata supports a wide range of network protocols including IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, ICMP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS and many more. It is also capable of analysing encrypted traffic such as SSL/TLS.
  3. Signature and detection algorithm support: Suricata supports various types of signatures and detection algorithms, including network attack signatures, flow analysis, protocol analysis, and more. It can also use advanced detection methods such as behaviour analysis and machine learning.
  4. IPS mode support: In addition to intrusion detection mode, Suricata can also operate in intrusion prevention mode (IPS), blocking or rejecting suspicious network traffic based on predefined rules.
  5. Flexible and customisable: Suricata provides extensive customisation and configuration capabilities. Users can create their own detection rules, define target host groups and network flows, and perform deep packet analysis.
  6. Logging and analytics: Suricata provides detailed event logging and network traffic analytics. This allows you to analyse events, monitor threats and respond to security incidents.
  7. Compatibility with other security systems: Suricata can integrate with other security systems such as incident management systems (SIEM), log analysis systems and security automation systems.


You can proceed to install Suricata by running the following command:



Start Suricata Service: Suricata typically runs as a background service once installed. If it's not already running, you can start it using the following command:


Monitor Logs (Optional): You may want to monitor Suricata logs in real-time to observe any detected events. You can do this by tailing the Suricata log file with the tail command. For example:


Testing with pcap Files (Optional): You can also test Suricata's functionality by analyzing packet capture (pcap) files. Use the following command to analyze a pcap file:


Check Suricata Status: To verify that Suricata is running and actively monitoring the network, you can check its status using:



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